Product Name: Aspartame
CAS NO.: 22839-47-0
Molecular Weight: 294.303
Molecular Formula: C14H18N2O5
Appearance: White crystalline powder
Attractive Taste: Aspartame develops a clean and pure taste (200 times sweeter than sucrose).
Low Calorie: Aspartame is used in low-calorie foods, especially ideal for people who are on a diet and in the special diet industry.
Save Cost: Aspartame replaces sucrose, significantly reducing food manufacturing costs.
Suitable for Diabetics: Diabetics can eat it without any restrictions.
Flavor Enhancer: Aspartame is used in certain foods to enhance flavor.
Good for Health: Aspartame does not cause dental caries and has no adverse effects on blood sugar, coronary heart disease and hypertension.
Beverages: Sparkling or non-alcoholic drinks such as soda, fruit juices and jams.
Table Sugar: Compressed sweeteners, powdered sweeteners (take with a small spoon), sachet sweeteners, and tabletop convenience sweetening liquids.
Dry Mix: Mix cold and hot chocolate with beverages, or use for instant desserts.
Dairy Products: Yogurt, frozen novelties and snacks.
Candy: Preserves, chewing gum, pastries, mints, chocolate, gummy candies and jellies.
Pharmaceuticals: Tablets, potions, sucrose-free syrups, powder mixtures and effervescent tablets.
Introduction to product applications
Health Procucts
Plant extraction platform
Synthetic biology platform
Zebrafish activity evaluation service platform