Dihydromyricetin is mostly extracted from the dried leaves of the vine tea, Vitis vinifera, which is a genus of serpentine grapes. The main active ingredients are flavonoids, and dihydromyricetin is a special kind of flavonoids, in addition to the general properties of flavonoids, but also has the ability to lift alcohol poisoning, prevention of alcoholic liver, fatty liver, inhibit liver cell deterioration, reduce the incidence of liver cancer and other effects.
Hesperetin dihydrochalcone is an antioxidant flavonoid. It induces G1-phase cell cycle arrest. It is also anti-inflammatory. Hesperetin suppresses NF-κB activation and reduces cholesterol biosynthesis. Hespertin is also neuroprotective against neuronal oxidative damage.
Tetrahydrocurcumin, a natural functional whitening ingredient, is hydrogenated from curcumin isolated from the rhizome of turmeric, a plant in the ginger family.
Apigenin, also known as apigenin and psoralen. It is a kind of flavonoid compound. It is widely distributed in nature. It mainly exists in Rafflesiaceae, Verbenaceae, and Curculionaceae, and is widely distributed in the vegetables and fruits of the temperate zone, especially in celery, where the content is high.
Naringin is the major flavonoid glycoside in grapefruit and gives grapefruit juice its bitter taste. It is metabolized to the flavonone naringenin in humans. Both naringin and hesperetin, which are the aglycones of naringin and hesperidin, occur naturally in citrus fruits. Narinigin exerts a variety of pharmacological effects such as antioxidant activity, blood lipid-lowering, anticarcinogenic activity, and inhibition of selected cytochrome P450 enzymes including CYP3A4 and CYP1A2, which may result in several drug interactions in-vitro.
Neohesperidin is widely found in rutaceae plants (such as limes, sweet oranges, citrus aurantium, citrus aurantium and Zanthoxylumnitidum(Roxb.) DC, etc.), but the content is relatively small. The currently neohesperidin is mainly derived from citrus plants (such as pomelo, grape grapefruit, etc.
Mainly distributed in thousands of apples, pears and other juicy fruit peel and root bark. Pearl white crystalline powder, soluble in ethanol and acetone, slightly soluble in water.
Hesperidin is a kind of natural flavonoid, which is widely found in the fruits of rutaceae. Hesperidin, which is more abundant in citrus, is the raw material.